I'll actually admit I don't recommend watching the video below, because it does indeed show the last minutes of a man, a extremely stupid man- but man nonetheless struggling to survive after resisting arrest and putting a pot baggy in his mouth and then being fucking tasered.
Ok... Here are the number of problems i have with this shit:
1. Of course he's white. A "Brutha" knows best not to fuck with the police. They got these newish things called tasers that they are barely trained on how to use but they look real cool and they are itching to use these. I know from first hand knowledge... when they say get down. You get the fuck down.
2.POT?!? Gabe, where are you? Whats the worse he would he faced? Misdemeanor pot possession.. Now if it were crack or heroine, I can see that..and anyways those come in bags small enough to enough to ingest. I am being pragmatic here. What the fuck would possess him to resist arrest...and swallow a POT baggy? I feel for the dude but.... hell no am i gonna die for pot. It better be high grade Colombian coke and I'm facing 25 years for intent to sell on top of other serious charges.
3. It got caught on tape and will be played again and again.... somehow this feels appropriate... and inappropriate.
anyhow.. very sad. I have nothing else more to say about This.
Ok, but c'mon... Everybody knows by now that tasers kill people. Time after time after time, the cops keep getting away with "legalized murder" by pretending that the "suspect" did some other thing which more greatly impacted their survival.
ReplyDeleteI could list at least a dozen cases of cops murdering people here in Florida and being in cahoots with the coroner who is blaming it on the fact that they had some other drug/medical history that supposedly caused the death.
if they would have paid attention to the victim then they would have noticed that he was having a hard time breathing....and once again goes to show you that law officers here in the state of florida....choose to not pay attention to folks...he was clearly having a hard time with something and couldnt breath...way to go officers....such asses for sure.....but then again....welcome to another florida law video.......they will get a slap on the hand im sure.....
ReplyDeleteIn California he would likely get a misdemeanor, no jail...just a fine. Not sure about Florida. I grew up there and there were come counties that were just FUCKING CRAZY about drugs (mostly in the northern parts of the state). Poor kid probably didn't realize he was gunna get tasered at the time he decided it was a good idea to put the baggie in his mouth. Most people know just take the weed out of the bag, chew it up and swallow it. Not that hard.
ReplyDeleteYes, apparently Darwanism applies just as well to porn actors as is does to pigeons in the street.